Optimizing Your Restaurant’s Seating Is Simple


Many restaurants need to reorganize seating for social distancing measures before they’ll be able to open back up.  Apex can help - here’s our 4-step process that will help make this ridiculously simple for you.

[Step 1] Remove Your Seating Fixtures

Our team can take a portfolio of 10 - 5,000 stores anywhere in the US and remove any seating fixture to ensure your dining area is safe.  We can work side-by-side on-site with your store managers to adapt their store.

[Step 2] Store Them Safely

It’s uncertain when our dining rooms will go back to normal.  Until then, Apex will warehouse your seating and equipment off-site.

[Step 3] Provide You An Inventory Dashboard

Never wonder what equipment is where.  Every item will be meticulously tracked and made available to you using our online platform ApexView.  For example, you’ll be able to quickly see that you’ve stored 15 tables and 45 chairs from store #135.

[Step 4] Reinstall When You Say The Word

When it’s time, use your equipment dashboard to indicate what you’d like reinstalled and our get-it-done army will put it back in its proper place.

The current time is requiring you to have to make many adjustments - Apex is here to help make those adjustments easy.  Get a quote today to optimize the seating of your store today so you’ll be positioned to resume operations, increase sales, and serve your customers.


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