3 Ways to Make Customers Feel Safe


Even when business goes “back to usual” there are going to be some changes that customers expect in any store or restaurant.

Here are three ways you can help your customer’s feel more comfortable in this changing environment.

[1] Put Up Sneeze Guards

Sneeze guards aren’t just for food joints anymore.  Putting up a large pane of plexiglass between customers and your employees at the checkout register or customer services desks makes customers feel safer.

[2] Space Out Your Seating & Queue Lines

Store managers put down duct tape on the floor to show customers where to be in line for the past few weeks, but something that feels less ragtag is now in order to help customers feel more at ease and your store not feel so apocalyptic.  Consider investing in markers and signage that helps customers give each other the elbow room needed and making updates to your seating layouts.

And the 6-foot distance recommendation is likely to be around for some time, so reworking your seating fixtures and layouts so people can dine without despair is going to be key to keeping sales flowing and customers' stomachs full.

[3] Make Your Bathrooms Truly Touchless

Up to this point, hands-free sinks have been a nice thing to have - but now they’re becoming the status quo.  Now is the time to invest in upgrading to hands-free soap, hand dryers, and even those crazy arm/foot pull handles so germs stay off the surfaces in your bathroom.


Apex’s Rapid Response Rollout team is currently making these types of upgrades in hundreds of stores across the country.  We can upgrade your stores in a matter of days. Get a quote for your project by clicking below.


Optimizing Your Restaurant’s Seating Is Simple


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